Don’t hire us to write your press releases

Any PR agency can write cookie cutter press releases, pump them out at volume, and count that as part of their PR services.

A lot of PR agencies will write press releases as a form of deliverable just to show that they are adding value. We typically don’t write press releases. We often advise against them.

We advise on press releases in very specific circumstances so your money (they cost extra – upwards of $1,000 each) and our efforts are focused and concentrated in the areas that actually matter. 

For some clients, we don’t even do press releases at all. Why? Things are different now. They don’t work for everyone. (Not to mention, journalists barely read them anymore.)

We don’t just add generic deliverables like a press release into our packages for the sake of filling up space, we’re strategic about if and when we need to use them. 

Oftentimes, we have to first assess a client’s “press readiness” before we go all out on a media and publicity strategy. 

Sometimes that means working on your website messaging and products before all that publicity can actually impact your business and goals. We work on your “press readiness” on several levels:

  • Is your site optimized for a flood of cold traffic?
  • Will you convert those visitors into customers?
  • Are you able to best monetize and maximize the potential of your press mentions?

Think of us as your very own in-house publicity team that is specialized and experienced in getting you press and using it to grow your business. We’re more than just press release writers. 

After all, we’ve done practically everything in the online business space, ranging from consulting 7- and 8-figure businesses all the way to building digital courses that have collectively generated over $30MM.

We manage everything from strategy to execution and have helped personality-driven businesses get massive results from media attention.

If you’re interested in finding out more, click here to schedule a no-strings attached call with us!

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