Why we focus on Personality-Based Businesses

🤝At Triple Take, our clients range from…

…best-selling authors (and aspiring best-selling authors)…

…to platform-specific creators who have large followings…

…all the way to entrepreneurs who want to grow a digital course business.

And of course, many things in-between – across a variety of industries!

It doesn’t matter if you’re a:

  • Fitness entrepreneur who is also an author and course creator.
  • Or a business consultant who wants to be a public speaker and start a podcast.
  • Or a photographer who already sells digital products and wants to pivot to being a health and wellness coach.

When it comes to getting mainstream press, our clients are willing to share two things:

Their personal story and their point of view.

But here’s the thing:

As a personality-driven business, most traditional PR firms can’t help you.

They’re not specialized to help a business like yours

We are.

Compared to giant corporations that have a bottomless marketing budget, we know you don’t have infinite resources to dedicate to getting publicity. You can’t do PR forever, so you have to make your efforts, time, and investment count. 

We know you don’t care about getting mentioned in the media just for the sake of mentions.

You want that mention to help put you on the map, turn your book from unknown to bestseller (or help land a book deal in the first place). 

We know you’re looking for PR that actually converts and makes an impact on the tangible and intangible parts of your business. 

The reason we focus on personality-driven businesses is that press for personality-driven businesses is very, very different. We’re not pushing a product or a business. We’re pushing YOU. 

YOUR ideas. YOUR reputation. YOUR story.

They’re all personal to you – and uniquely YOU – so when you’re putting yourself out there, the stakes feel so much higher than simply promoting a product update. But when it works out, the results can be so much more rewarding and impactful on both a widespread and personal level. 

If that sounds like you, you’re in the right place!

In a world drowning with noise, your personality is going to be your strongest asset for your business. We’ve helped our clients get their personality-based businesses publicity in places they never thought possible before (e.g. The Washington Post, Good Morning America, The New York Times). 

If you’re interested in achieving the same, click here to schedule a no-strings attached call with us! 

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