“How long does it take to see results?”

With publicity, sometimes results show in the first month, sometimes slower. 

How quickly results come depend on the initial pressworthiness of the client. We do our best regardless of your starting point.

This means we work from multiple fronts – for example, perhaps landing an article is proving difficult, but we can get you on a podcast. Our best clients are open to all forms of publicity, since each type helps get the others. 

Landing an article makes for a better podcast pitch and vice versa. Only caring about one type of publicity limits our options and, our ability to get results is more up to the client’s inherent newsworthiness.

We work with the press cycle, and sometimes we run up against good luck or bad luck. We do our best to make your business timely, but you might be fighting for the headlines with some major natural disaster, an election, celebrity scandal, etc. which shifts timelines. 

You also need to consider the size of the press outlet you’re aiming for – and where YOU are currently. If you’ve NEVER been featured anywhere before, it’s a moonshot to expect a New York Times article right out of the gates. (And sometimes, the client’s story or business isn’t actually a fit for The New York Times – another more targeted industry publication could be better!) We use a proprietary method to ladder clients up to big outlets, but it certainly takes time. 

The bigger the press outlet, the longer things take due to variables like fact-checking, interviewing, internal publication calendar, etc. The biggest podcasts can be booked out many months into the future. 

If you're ready to talk about timelines and publicity results for your business, schedule a no-strings-attached call with us!

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